kolmapäev, 7. aprill 2010

The years teach you much that days never knew

Shadows of the Sun, režissöör Brad Mirman

The sun set ... slowly, ignating the sky in fiery shades of red and orange. In the distance, dark clouds rolled over the horizon, riding the summer winds. Soon day will give way to night. And with it would come ... a silence that washes over everything.

Sunlight frames her body in a golden glow of honeyed light, while the wind dances gently through the long strands of her hair. Her face is strong, proud ... with eyes that don't easily give away their secrets. It's a face that doesn't call out, but softly beckons.

Mul on see film jälle olemas :) Sellised soojad lõunamaa filmid sobivad meeleolu tõstmiseks suurepäraselt meie kliimasse. Kirjanikud, Itaalia mägikülad, soe valgus, kruusateed, päikeseloojangud... Ja kirg. Kirglik suhtumine kirjutamisse, raamatutesse...

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